A DDoS attack is surprisingly easy to carry out and affects millions of websites worldwide every year, with the number of attacks rise.

Suffering DDoS attacks may seem like an inevitable side effect of existence online; the more successful your site, the more than likely it might seem that you'll be the target of an assault at some signal. But y'all can reduce the chances of a DDoS assail affecting your site.

You might exist wondering: What is a DDoS attack? And how tin can I protect my site from them?

In this mail service, we'll explain what DDoS attacks are, explore what might make your site vulnerable, and outline the ways you tin reduce their probability and impact.

What is a DDoS Attack?

Permit'southward start by examining exactly what a DDoS attack is and, importantly, what it is not.

DDoS stands for distributed denial of service just is oft referred to as a simple denial of service. A DDoS attack consists of a website being flooded past requests during a brusk menses of time, with the aim of overwhelming the site and causing it to crash. The 'distributed' element means that these attacks are coming from multiple locations at the same time, as compared to a DoS which comes from simply one location.

If your site suffers a DDoS assault, you will receive thousands of requests from multiple sources over a menstruation of minutes or sometimes hours. These requests aren't the effect of a website all of a sudden getting a fasten in traffic: they are automated and will come from a limited number of sources, depending on the calibration of the assault.

In the screenshot below, you can come across the sudden spike in requests received by a site during a DDoS attack.

DDoS attack traffic
DDoS attack traffic

A DDoS attack isn't the same matter as hacking, although the two can be linked; the perpetrators aren't attempting to admission your website's files or admin, but instead, they cause it to crash or get vulnerable due to the volume of requests. In some cases, this will be followed by attempts to hack the site when it's vulnerable, but in the majority of cases, the aim is but to make the site cease working.

Information technology may sound as if there isn't any way to avert a DDoS set on: afterward all, if someone decides to flood your site with requests, in that location isn't much you can do to finish them.

But although y'all tin't do much to stop someone attempting to damage your site with a DDoS attack, there are steps you lot tin take to ensure that if yous are subject area to an attack, your site won't cease working and it won't exist vulnerable to hacking.

We'll comprehend those steps later in this post, simply outset, allow'due south examine why someone might want to mountain a DDoS attack on your site.

Why Would Someone DDoS your site?

So why would someone mountain a DDoS assault on your WordPress site? What could they have to gain from it?

In that location are many reasons why an attacker might want to put your site out of activeness via a DDoS attack. These include attacks by competitors and attacks considering of your content.

DDoS Attacks by Competitors

In an platonic earth, your competitors would attempt to outperform y'all online past improving their content, SEO and conversion rate, which is the legitimate manner to use your website to gain competitive advantage.

Simply in some cases, competitors might take more farthermost measures. A competitor might hire someone to mount a DDoS assault on your site in the knowledge that this won't just affect your website, information technology'll also bear upon your business organisation.

In the fourth dimension it takes you to get your site working again, they will be taking business from you, especially if they are running ads using your business organization name equally a keyword. If your site isn't up and running again quickly, you'll lose search ranking and may detect that your competitors now rank above you on Google.

Of course, information technology'due south very hard to show who carried out any DDoS attack. The attack won't come from your competitor's IP address! Unless you have very deep pockets, attempting to take legal action confronting a competitor yous doubtable of doing this is unlikely to be successful.

Far better to protect yourself from the effects of an set on in the beginning identify. And don't be tempted to mount another DDoS attack confronting your competitor in response. This is illegal and information technology'southward far better to reassure yourself that a competitor desperate enough to use measures such as these probably won't take the longevity or reputation that your business does.

DDoS Attacks on Your Content

Some sites are subject to DDoS attacks considering of the nature of their content.

For example, a whistleblowing site might be bailiwick to an attack. A site dealing with a controversial issue (such every bit access to abortion or anti-racism) might suffer attacks from people who disagree with its message and want to put information technology out of activity. Or your content might be commercial but nonetheless sensitive and in that location are people who don't want it available online.

If your site is successfully attacked, it will put your content out of circulation, which could cause bug for your users if they need access to information or guidance.

You'll too be spending time resolving the event, losing any revenue you might exist making from the site (either in sales or donations if yous are a nonprofit), and your rankings tin drop if your site is returning a 502 error for hours or days.

Politically Motivated DDoS Attacks

Politically motivated DDoS attacks are condign more mutual every bit cyber threats are increasingly used to disrupt the political procedure.

If your website is for a political political party, candidate or system, or advances a specific political cause, then it may be vulnerable to attack from people who disagree with your politics.

This won't unnecessarily come from your political opponents. Information technology is more likely to come from external sources that seek to disrupt political debate, block sure types of content and use chaos to confuse and disenfranchise people.

The attack could exist an attempt to make information technology impossible for people to access your content (see above), or it could be a more personal attack on the individual candidate or organisation backside the site.

This is different from a site becoming overloaded because of spikes in visits due to the news cycle. I once worked on the website of a party which became overwhelmed when the party's manifesto was launched for a full general election. That was the outset UK election in which eastward-candidature was significant and we just weren't prepared for the book of traffic.

Instead, a DDoS attack will be much sharper and more precipitous, seeing a very sudden spike in requests for sometimes a affair of minutes. This will await very different from a natural spike in traffic, which although it can be sudden will unremarkably take the form of a curve instead of a cliff.

If yous are running a campaign (which might have made you more than vulnerable because of the actress publicity), then it will be peculiarly important to ensure your site remains operational and non to waste product time dealing with the attack when you could exist focusing on candidature activity. That's why it's crucial to take the steps below to protect your site from a politically motivated DDoS set on.

The Effects of a DDoS Assault

A DDoS assault might have a variety of furnishings, depending on the nature of the attack and how prepared you are for it.

1. Website Downtime

The near immediate and obvious effect is that your website is overwhelmed and becomes unavailable.

This means any business you proceeds via your website won't be available to you until you get the site working once more. Information technology too impacts on your reputation as a website owner. And if you don't fix the site speedily, information technology tin can affect your SEO equally if Google crawls your site and finds it out of action, yous will lose rank.

If your site is unavailable considering of being overloaded, it will return a 502 bad gateway error, which volition negatively bear upon your search rankings if you allow it to stay that manner for too long.

I've also seen attacks where the site hasn't been bachelor for a number of days (because the possessor didn't know how to set it and hadn't kept a backup, more of which shortly), and when the site did go back online, all of the internal links in that site'south Google list had been lost.

2. Server and Hosting Problems

If your site is subject field to regular attacks that y'all don't take steps to mitigate, this could lead to issues with your hosting provider.

A good hosting provider will requite yous tools to secure your site against DDoS attacks but if you don't have this and you're on shared hosting, the attacks may affect other sites on the aforementioned server.

3. Website Vulnerability

A DDoS attack could return your site more vulnerable to hacking as all of your systems are focused on getting the site back online, and security systems may have been put out of action by the attack.

Hackers might then observe it easier to make their way onto your site via a back door one time the DDoS attack has succeeded in paralyzing your site.

Follow-upwards attacks similar this won't always come from the same source as the requests that formed the DDoS assault: a clever hacker volition know how to hibernate their tracks and utilise multiple IP addresses to attack your site, likewise as how to hibernate their real location.

And then if yous are the victim of a DDoS assail, one of your first priorities should be ensuring your WordPress site is secure. This is arguably more than important than getting your public-facing site upwardly and running once again, as another attack volition simply have you back to square one (or worse).

4. Lost Time and Money

Repairing a website that has been field of study to a DDoS attack takes time. It can besides take money.

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If you don't know what's happened to your site and haven't prepared for the possibility of an assault, you could end up having to rebuild your site from scratch (I've seen sites where this has happened). If you lot didn't take a backup of your site, what are you lot going to restore information technology from? And if you don't fix information technology quickly, the attack could take a long-term impact on your site'southward SEO and business performance.

While the site is down, y'all could exist losing money in revenue, especially if your site is an ecommerce store. And yous may accept to pay money to hire a security adept or web enveloper to rebuild your site and make sure information technology's protected from future attacks.

All of this emphasizes how important information technology is to protect your site from DDoS attacks. I had one client who suffered frequent attempted attacks because of the nature of their business; because we gear up up security measures, these never impacted on the site. If yous're prepared, then a DDoS attack shouldn't affect your site either.

What Can Brand Your Website Vulnerable to DDoS Attacks?

Some sites are more vulnerable than others to DDoS attacks. These will either make you lot more vulnerable to the assault in the first place or to its after-furnishings.

Cheap Hosting

The starting time culprit when it comes to vulnerability to DDoS attacks, as with all kinds of cyberattacks, is inexpensive hosting.

Cheap hosting has two main downsides: lack of back up and volume of clients.

To go far possible to offer the hosting so cheaply, the hosting provider will have a big number of clients all using the same server, pregnant if one of the other sites on that server is subject to an attack, it could impact you.

Inexpensive hosting providers won't provide security precautions against DDoS attacks, they won't warn you when an set on takes place, and they won't help you to repair your site when it stops working. They won't take regular backups of your site and even if they exercise, they're unlikely to aid you restore your site: you'll have to work out how to do it yourself.

This isn't because cheap hosting providers are trying to con you or because they don't provide the services they promise: it'southward but because to make their hosting cheap, they have to skimp on support. Otherwise, they wouldn't make a profit.

If your website supports a business or any venture where your reputation and the security of your website is of import, then it pays to invest in good quality hosting. The extra price will be worth it when you avoid having to spend fourth dimension fixing your site if information technology is attacked, and will certainly be worth information technology if information technology means your site stays online through an attempted DDoS attack and isn't compromised.

Lack of Preparation

Failing to prepare for the possibility of a DDoS assail won't necessarily forestall one happening, but it will mean you don't suffer so much if yous are subject to ane.

Firstly, taking security precautions against potential attacks volition enhance your site's chances of staying online despite suffering an attempted set on.

But agreement how to stop a DDoS set on in its tracks will also aid. If your site is attacked and does get down if you've prepared you will be able to become it upwards and running again much quicker than if you hadn't prepared.

Installing security software or making use of the security alerts offered by your hosting provider means you will be alerted if your site does come under assault, and either you or your hosting provider tin take activity to protect your site.

Taking regular backups of your site means that you lot tin quickly restore it if it does feel issues.

And keeping your site up to engagement ways that it's inherently more than secure and will be less likely to encounter problems if you practice have to rebuild it.

Insecure or Out of Engagement Lawmaking

Keeping your version of WordPress equally well as your theme and plugins upward to date won't protect you from a DDoS attack.

But if you are attacked and the subsequent weakness of your site is used by hackers every bit an opportunity to gain unwanted access, they will be far less likely to succeed if your site is well managed.

Precautions include keeping your site up to date every bit well as simply installing plugins and themes from reputable sources. The WordPress theme and plugin directories are by far the all-time places to notice free themes and plugins, and reputable developers will make them available in that location. Be careful not to install lawmaking that might cause incompatibilities with your hosting and never install nulled themes or plugins.

How to Protect Your Site Against DDoS Attacks

Then now for the question you've been itching to know the respond to: how practice you protect your site against DDoS attacks?

In that location are a variety of precautions you lot can have, and which yous choose will depend on your setup, your budget, and your preferences.

Let's take a expect at the options.

Protection from Your Hosting Provider

Kinsta hosting has a number of features that will reduce the chances of you being subject to DDoS attacks.

All of the sites hosted at Kinsta are protected by our Cloudflare integration, which features a secure firewall with born DDoS protection. Nosotros also brand use of strict software-based restrictions to secure your site even further. All of this makes it much more hard for a DDoS attack to become through.

Some other Kinsta characteristic which tin can assist protect you once a DDoS attack has begun is IP Geolocation blocking. Kinsta will detect any DDoS attack and warning you to it. You can then utilize the Geo IP blocking feature to cake the geographical area from which the DDoS attack is coming.

This means you tin safely cake a geographical region where an attack is coming from and IP addresses from that region volition no longer exist able to ship requests to your site.

Alternatively, you can block individual IPs in MyKinsta via the IP Deny page.

Kinsta IP deny
Kinsta's IP deny feature

Here comes the hard truth, though: nevertheless good your hosting provider is, it's impossible for them to provide total protection confronting DDoS attacks. What a proficient hosting provider volition do is provide a good firewall, which will reduce the chance of an assault but not go rid of information technology altogether. They volition as well take tools you or they can utilize to end the DDoS attack one time it starts, such as IP blocking.

This is why any hosting provider that claims to give you total protection from DDoS attacks isn't being entirely honest. They can reduce the probability of an set on and they tin can limit the bear upon of it, but they can't stop DDoS attacks entirely.

Instead, to protect yourself from DDoS attacks more than thoroughly you need to use a vast network that can use its database of data well-nigh attacks on other sites around the world to anticipate attacks and block IPs from which they re probable to come up. Let's expect at a couple of those services.


Cloudflare is one of the internet's most popular providers of content commitment networks, and information technology also offers protection against attacks and hacks. Because of its vast size, it has access to data nigh where DDoS attacks are coming from and tin can then block those IP addresses for all the sites on its network.

Cloudflare DDoS
Cloudflare DDoS protection

Cloudflare'southward cloud-based network is always on and always learning, meaning it can be identifying potential attacks and stopping unwanted traffic from reaching your site 24/7. It also provides y'all with a dashboard y'all tin utilize to monitor and allay DDoS attacks so you can identify what your vulnerabilities might be.

If your site is hosted on Kinsta, yous don't demand to go through the process of setting upward your own Cloudflare account. All sites on our infrastructure are protected by our costless Cloudflare integration.


Sucuri is a company best known for its services cleaning up sites afterwards hacks and helping to prevent them from happening again. But it as well offers DDoS protection

Sucuri DDoS protection
Sucuri DDoS protection

Sucuri's service works because information technology is then large, with a network of over 400,000 customers significant it tin can keep a database of attacks in the same way that Cloudflare can. Those IP addresses can so be blocked on your site.

Sucuri'southward network isn't as large every bit Cloudflare'south simply the company is worth considering if you also want advanced security features and monitoring, which is where their specialty lies. Sucuri will monitor your site for downtime and attacks or hacks and will fix any hacks that take place.

So if y'all do suffer a DDoS attack and your WordPress site is hacked when it's vulnerable, being with Sucuri ways you can get it up and running over again as quickly as possible.

DDoS attacks are spreading like fire just why in the world would anyone assault your site? Well, at that place are plenty of reasons... (and ways to keep your site protected) 👨‍🚒🛡️ Click to Tweet


DDoS attacks are becoming more common and they have the potential to cause billions of dollars worth of harm.

Information technology's impossible to completely protect yourself from DDoS attacks equally there isn't much control you accept over the traffic coming to your site. But if you lot utilise one of the services above, avoid cheap hosting, and prepare yourself for a DDoS attack if one does occur, so you volition be much less likely to suffer.

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