When someone makes y'all an offering and yous do not respond to it, yous usually will not be bound to a contract. Your silence is generally not considered an acceptance if you do non truly intend to take. This is generally true fifty-fifty if the person making the offering specifically says that your silence is considered an credence.


  1. Can Silence Ever Exist Treated As An Acceptance?
  2. What Are the Requirements of Interpreting Silence Equally Acceptance?
  3. Do I Take To Buy Unsolicited Items Mailed To Me If The Sender Claims I Must Pay for Them?
  4. Does This Rule Cover Things Other Than The Auction of Goods?
  5. Can I Keep The Unsolicited Goods Send To Me?
  6. Do I Need a Lawyer?

Can Silence E'er Exist Treated As An Acceptance?

Yes, simply only in some instances. In social club for silence to be considered acceptance, at that place normally are some prior dealings between the two parties and that it is customary for the two parties to treat silence as an acceptance.

Another manner that silence may be considered credence is where both parties accept agreed that silence can be treated equally acceptance.

Finally, if the political party remaining silent acts on the agreement, and so the silence will be treated every bit credence. In the case of unsolicited merchandise, if the potential heir-apparent uses the trade, and so the buyer has accepted the contract. For example, suppose that A sends B some food and A informs B that A expects payment. If B eats the nutrient, so B has consented into the agreement.

What Are the Requirements of Interpreting Silence Every bit Acceptance?

In order to care for silence regarding an offer equally an credence of a contract, at that place must be:

  • No express contract – Only i party has fabricated an offer while the other party has not agreed to it.
  • The offeror renders a service – The political party which wants a contract does a service, or offers to do a service or sends something to the offeree.
  • The offeror gives notice that he/she desires something in commutation – The offeror must make his intent to receive payment known. If in that location is no observe, there can be no contract and the service may be treated every bit a souvenir.
  • The offeror does this without beingness requested to do so – The offeror does the service of his ain complimentary volition without being prompted by the offeree or anyone else.
  • The offeree has cognition of everything land to a higher place – The person or party receiving the service is aware or should be aware that the offeror desires something in return.
  • The offeree uses or accepts the service in some manner – The person or party receiving the service does something which could be interpreted as acceptance.

Do I Have To Buy Unsolicited Items Mailed To Me If The Sender Claims I Must Pay for Them?

Near likely no. You are not obligated to do anything when someone sends you goods yous have non asked for and asks you to purchase them. Your inaction by and large volition not bind you to a contract to purchase the goods, and the other party cannot sue you for breach of contract if you do not pay for them. In many states, the unsolicited items are treated as gifts.

For example: B sends C x DVDs and says to C, "If you practice not respond back in 3 days, you will have agreed to purchase the DVDs." C does not respond in three days and does non intend to buy the DVD. There is no contract between B and C to purchase the DVDs.

Does This Dominion Cover Things Other Than The Sale of Goods?

Yes. Your silence normally will non bind yous to a contract to perform services. Services tin be well-nigh anything performed by an individual or group, such every bit mowing a backyard or helping a friend move.

Tin can I Keep The Unsolicited Goods Transport To Me?

This will depend on the state you reside in. In some states, you lot may not keep and use the goods (unless the seller makes information technology articulate that you can keep them without whatsoever obligations) every bit if y'all own them. Normally, the seller should provide y'all ways to send the goods back to him/her at his/her expense. Yous should not be required to incur your own expenses to send appurtenances that yous did not ask for back to the seller. If you lot do not return the appurtenances, you may be deemed to have accustomed the offer and entered into a contract.

In other states, the unsolicited goods are treated every bit gifts. This means that you own the items and y'all can practise whatever y'all desire with them.

Exercise I Need a Lawyer?

The rules of contracts often vary from land to state. If you accept questions about whether there has been valid offering and acceptance to a contract, a contract lawyers familiar with contract police force and contract drafting and review can assist.